Thursday, October 7, 2010


It's been raining pretty much non stop for nearly 36 hours straight in Suva. Not just light rain, but HEAVY rain. Rain in Suva is usually like Melbourne rain - it clears within 5 minutes. Now, it hasn't stopped for hours and has nearly been going on for two days straight. It is so heavy that my window is starting to pool with water. The easterly wind on my eastern facing window does not help the cause either. Luckily, my water pool is not as bad as Luke and Lauren's room. Their room also has an east-facing window and they have a puddle on the floor.

Today at school, the rains have affected the pipes and has made the water turn brown. When this happens at school, it becomes a health hazard so all the children are sent home straight away. I love it how no one ever informs me about what's happening at the school until it's just about to happen. There I was tapping away at my computer with the opposite end of the Physio room forming puddles of water and a bucket catching the drips falling next to me. I was just about to get up and get ready for my next therapy group when all of a sudden, the bell rang and the children all picked up their bags and left. Finally, my counterpart saw the puzzled look on my face and told me that the water had turned brown. The school is aware that some children will still try to drink the water even if it doesn't look quite right. Therefore, they were all sent home and I finished early from school.

Sadly, despite Fiji being such a small dot of land in the middle of the Pacific ocean, the western side of Fiji doesn't seem to get any rain. They are in a draught and by the looks of the radar picture above, they don't seem to be getting any of the torrential rain we seem to be getting in Suva. I said to someone the other day that they should build a huge pipeline from Suva to the west. That someone said that it wouldn't happen because Fiji just doensn't have the money to make that happen.

I think I'll wrap up this post here. I just heard a worrying clap of thunder just outside my window...

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