Thursday, August 26, 2010


About a month ago I told you about our in-country manager "testing" us with his intentional lateness. Well, I experienced the full brunt of it this week.

It's now school holidays. Apart from the mountain of reports that I have to complete, I was also asked by one of the student's carers to see their child EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. OF. THE. SCHOOL. their house. As this student did not require daily treatment and had a past history of being non-compliant with exercises anyway, I gave them a compremise by making myself available at school for two days of the week.

Monday was the first day for therapy at 11:00. I arrived right on 11:00 with the expectation that they'd probably be late. They certainly didn't let me down when they arrived at 11:30 without any notice, apology or explanation. So away I went, working away and running through this kid's exercises. His exercises consisted of passive stretches for his hips flexors, adductors and knee range. Nothing had ever been given to him for leg strengthening or balance. And as for functional, playful exercise...not sure if he was involved with any of that. The session wrapped up and so I arranged to meet them again on Wednesday at the same time.

Wednesday came. Again, I arrived at 10:55 ready for my appointment at 11:00...or 11:30 or thereabouts. As I was waiting, I busied myself with cutting a gigantic banana leaf off the tree in the school yard. I then arranged the therapy furniture. Then I arranged it again. I sat and chatted with the teachers that were doing holiday filing, followed by more waiting and twiddling of thumbs. I was facinated by the banana leaf and was looking for something to do, I took heaps of pictures of the banana leaf. 11:30 came, but no student arrived. I slowly munched away at my lunch, not because I was hungry, but becuase I wanted to pass time.

11:50 came and I sent a text to the student's carer:

"Just letting you know, I've left the school for the day. Please let me know if you want to see me again and I can make myself available"

The student never turned up, but on the flip side, I was in possession of a giant banana leaf that followed me home.

P.S. Things I have also achieved these holidays so far:

- written 5 half-reports
- bought a guitar
- went to hibiscus festival
- met with a diving instructor
- went for a swim at the 50m pool
- increased the demarcation of my flip-flop tan line


  1. What are you going to do with the BIG leaf? try the Kuih Koci recipe from Poh's kitchen. Po-Po would love to have the leaf...

  2. I certainly am going to make Kuih Koci! I've bought the palm sugar and I have a fresh coconut sitting in my fridge, all ready to go!!

  3. sorry I was late commenting.. it's just that i had a few things to do.. and yeah, i was a bit busy.. see, i got waylayed and something came up.. i had an unexpected delay..

    mmmm.. banana leaf.
