Monday, March 14, 2011


Yep. The cracks are starting to show. Literally. Today, I arrived at school. I always arrive at school. But today was different. I was starting to lose motivation and had recurring instances of wanting to bash my head against a brick wall (more on that later). However, I woke up this morning and thought: "Right. I won't let annoying little things get to me and I won't be put off by teachers forgetting stuff that I'd told them over and over again. I'm going to push through and I'm going to focus on the little wins along the way". Little did I know that I would find this on my arrival to school:

A massive 3 metre long crack under the tiles in the middle of the therapy room floor. Something had happened to the floor of the therapy room that had made an entire row of tiles buckle.

It is so incredibly unmotivating to work in an environment like this. I was concerned that maybe this crack was the warning signs of an impending land slide. My counterpart joked that it was an earthquake and our therapy area just happened to be the epicentre. Great. Just brilliant. I'm very glad she was just joking.

Also, while I'm on the topic of really horrible OH&S issues, I'm pretty sure I've described a bit about the rat poo that we keep finding everywhere. Apart from eating my glue, they also seem to like dying in our hydrotherapy pool:

Again, another demotivating factor to remind you that your workplace environment is completely sub-standard and approaching a state of disrepair. It's really annoying to have to dust away the rat and mouse poo that finds itself on top of all of your equipment. I'm glad this one died but did it really have to die in the pool???

As for the bashing my head against a brick wall, I have been constantly teaching teachers how to teach handwriting. Again, it's not part of my qualification, but as the proxy school Occupational Therapist, I have been given the task of coordinating the roll out of the handwriting program. After harping on about ensuring that the children didn't write their letters too cramped, I found a teacher-made worksheet today that had an entire bunch of h's, n's, k's and m's squished in on one line.

So, I'm not going to focus on all the other little annoying things that have been a bit hard to deal with. I'll end it there. I hope you enjoyed the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Look like some earth movement overnight. The mouse might have got caught in the pool tsunami... Take care during this unstable earth period.
