Monday, September 20, 2010


Warning: this post is only mildly censored.

I think I'm coming back to life again. I'm not entirely sure what I've done the past 2-3 days, but it's all been a bit of a blur.

My housemates think that it might've started with the night sweats last week. Close your eyes if you don't like pictures of sweaty tops, but this is how much I sweated:

For those of you who know me, you'll know that I don't sweat all that much to warrant the above photo. There are no camera tricks, that is what I found when I woke up the other night.

The next two days I was tired, but okay. Saturday night came and went and on Sunday morning, I felt dreadful. I spent about 30% of the day curled up in the foetal position in bed, 30% groaning in the foetal position and 30% in the vale lailai (Fijian for toilet). The rest of the time I was somewhere in between my room and the toilet. I did manage to muster up enough "wellness" to skype my Mother dearest for about 30 minutes, which afterwards I curled up in the foetal position again and kept groaning. I think that was enough to trick her, but now she's going to read this and know that I wasn't well.

At one point, Luke was in the bathroom shaving and I desperately needed to purge. Unfortunately, it was while he was standing at the basin that he reckons I emptied my whole body weight in fluid into the toilet.

I also managed to rack up a temperature of 38.2 and my heart rate hit about 90 when usually it floats around 66...I think things were rather hazy at that point in time. Nothing I ate would stay down and even water wouldn't find peace with my stomach.

Thank goodness for caring housemates and an amazing medical kit provided by my volunteer organisation. Cheers, to the people who discovered lopremide, gastrolyte and stemetil. My housemates did threaten to take me to hospital if I wasn't well by today, but so far, I feel brilliant. Tired, anorexic and dangerously thin, but brilliant. My housemates even bought me a brownie in the hope that it would make me feel better. The brownie is yet to be eaten, but the gesture of kindness goes a long way.

Looks like it's back to school again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know you are all better now. Food poisoning? Take good care of yourself. Lots of love.

    Aunty Judy
