Friday, July 30, 2010

Getting to know Fiji

We have just landed at Nadi airport. The outside temperature is 28 degrees and humid.
It was 9 degrees when we left Brisbane. Remind me: how does 28 degrees and humid actually feel? Bloody fantastic. My cracked lips have since become worthy of a lipstick advertisement, the skin on my face has worked out its own auto-moisturising system and I am pretty certain that I’ve brought with me one jumper too many for this trip.

Music fills our ears as we are greeted by a trio of singing men Bula shirts and sulus. I look over to M as the music inspires toothy smiles across both our faces. We’re in common knowledge – we’ve finally made it to beautiful Fiji.

We meet our hosts in the arrivals area. There are warm handshakes and pleasant smiles exchanged. Both parties have waited so long for this moment to finally arrive. They say that the average length of an awkward silence in the Pacific is 17seconds. I think excitement killed any awkward silence that was supposed to happen.

Being called to go find a house…to be continued…

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